Monday 4 October 2010

Playing with Photo Backgrounds

I saw a great post over at FTW today on taking photos of minis, and there was a load of great advice on there! Quite a lot of technical photo jargon, but if your into that sort of thing, you might be able to understand what they're all on about!

Anyways, i was more interested in the photo backgrounds that were available in this post. I checked them out and found a few that could use. I've been aware of these kind of backgrounds for ages, but it never struck me as a 'must have' item, so i never got around to giving it a go. Well, today i did and I'm quite impressed with the way the pictures are displayed.

This is the standard white/blue backdrop seen in White Dwarf all the time. It gives the mini that display cabinet look! The pic of this ones not to great though.

This is an alternative backdrop dubbed 'cloud'. I downloaded several different colour variants of this backdrop, and the blue one is in use here. I think that this backdrop makes the mini much more striking, perfect for a fearsome army like Tyranids!

Unfortunately my printer cartridges are on their last legs, and the quality of the print outs were quite bad! One i get them renewed I'll give this another go. All in all though i do like the effect and i think that I'll be using much more of this in the future!

For more info and downloads, check out FTW's website and today's post!


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