Monday 22 February 2010

Medusa Siege Gun

Behold - the most irritating kit to be produced! This is quite easilly the most difficult kit i've ever put together! Yes, even harder than my Reaver Titan!! After 2 days of trimming, sculpting and modeling the thing is finally together! Now its together it looks great, and will be the latest edition to my Vostroyan tournament army. Hope to have it painted in a few days.

Sunday 21 February 2010


Aside from my passion for Krieg, i also love to paint Vostroyans! They really stand out from other guard armies, with all that bling! Thier backgrounds also really interesting, trying to atone for mistakes made during the time of the Heresy.
Anyways, the club that i am part of has an anual tournament againt Lampeter University, which i have decided to enter! For this i chose my Vostroyans! Not only do they look great, but they give me a more flexable army list than my Krieg do. I only had 2 squads painted and a pair of Russ', so i needed to get a move on to get a tounament army ready in a few months.
The Tournaments on the 1st of May and the points are 1750.

Saturday 20 February 2010

Finished Hellhound

I know, i managed to finish it in a day! Truth be told these pics are a a few days older than the last ones. I'm pleased how it came out, and will give it a good run out on the game table next week!


I've always wanted an Artemia Pattern Hellhound, so i decided to add one to my Death Korps! Its a great looking model, and should give me a nice counter attack unit.....he says!

Friday 19 February 2010

The Krieg Have Landed

I've finally taken some pictures on my Kreiggy Boys! This army is not complete, as i intend to build on it quite considerably. I want to add another 4 infantry squads, a heavy weapons platoon, ad of corse LOTS more artillery!


Wednesday 10 February 2010

My Pride and Joy!

While the pictures of my glorious Guard are in transit, take a peak at my (mostly finished!) pride and joy, Praetorian!



Welcome to A Guardsman's Guide to Glory, the blog of an enthusiastic Imperial Gurad player!

I currently collect Death Korps of Krieg and Vostroyan Firstborn, with some Red Scorpion Space Marines and Tyranids on the side. After collecting for a few years i have massed a modest collection of models, which i now have the urge to share with the gaming community at large!

Pictures to follow very soon!