Friday 29 January 2016

Mars Alpha Pattern Warlord Titan COMPLETE!

Wow....I never thought I'd see the day when this beauty would be done! I'm glad to say though the day is  finally here, and the Warlord Titan is complete!

Followers of this project may note the rather large jump from the last post to this! There hasn't been any WIP posts for the weapons aside from the build, the last post documenting my efforts with the head of the Warlord. I was so tantalisingly close to the finish line that i decided to crack on hard with the remaining pieces and just get it finished! This meant no time to stop and take pictures for the blog - you guys are far more interested in the finished article I'm sure!!

So here he is, the yet un-named Warlord. I apologies in advance for the variable picture quality. I had to set up a very large 'photo booth' in my living room which didn't quite have the level  of control on ambient lighting that my hobby room has. Nor did i have a tall enough tripod to take the pictures! Never mind, you get the idea! 

The Volcano Cannons were incredibly satisfying to complete! They're huge! They also look so bad ass with the gun shields on the sides. I made sure i added a good deal of transfers to this large area. I was going to add different patterning to the quarters on the gun shield, but figured that the Warlord would look more like an Eldar Harlequin if i added to much patterning! So Astorum yellow it was in the end. I'm glad i went with that.

I added a good deal of heat distortion to the weapons of the Warlord, as they are all energy weapons. This was achieved simply by spraying light layers of purple and blue washes onto the barrel ends. The ends were then hit with some black weathering powder.

The Astorum transfer sheet had a load of small, hazard label type transfers on it as well. I used these on weapon access hatched to help break up the metal areas.

Next up is the Laser Blasters. Similarly painted like the Volcano Cannons but with a blue weapon housing.

A little more heat distortion was added along the barrels of the Laser Blasters, cos you know, they're Laser Blasters, and they're hot and stuff. More importantly it breaks up the gun  metal a bit better!

Not much else was done to the moving parts at the rear of the Warlord, but they do look a lot better after the armour pannels went on.

A few more of the hazard warning transfers went onto the Warlords Gyros.

Defensive Lascannons.

The main exhausts were also hit with some black weathering powder.

The Warlords access hatch. I'm glad i kept the palette simple here, as i think it would have looked far to busy if i'd done much mroe here. I was undecided wether to add transfers to the access hatch. There wern't any suitable ones on the Astorum sheet, but there may be some on a Knight sheet...

The shoulder plating finished off the model nicely!

I pondered for a long time on the centermost armour plate. While it looked good, it seemed lacking a bit... So i plundered the Astorum transfer sheet for some ideas to liven up the area a bit. While good, these transfers are very thick, thicker than normal transfers. not sure what the reason for this is, but the result is that the whole of the transfer mounting shows up on dark surfaces. This is a little disappointing, but theres nothing i could do about it.

Some of the tiniest transfers were identification numbers or hatch markings. I added a few of these to the large yellow shoulder plates.

The heraldry shields looked great once mounted!

The armour plates on the chest got some attention. I imagined that the crew of the Warlord inscribed their mighty battle deeds upon these plates!

The exhaust ridges along the back of the warlord ramained the same, except for a little weathering powder on the smaller exhaust ports.

It was very satisfying to finally get some transfers onto those knee pads!

A random shot of the back of a in there somehow...

Finally the head of the Warlord! Again, i was really pleased that i went with the white rather than the yellow.

Magnetised of corse to aid transport. It would also make for a cool objective!

I haven't actually made a start on the crew yet, beena  bit lasy in that regard! They will slot in nicely once done.

That is my Warlord Titan! Its been a hell of a journey, but i would serioulsy do it all again (if Mrs GunGrave wuld ever let me have another one!) While i wait for that particular miricle to happen, i'll be trying to get this baby into a game and see what kind of destruction it can wreak!

The GunGrave 

Friday 15 January 2016

Mars Alpha Pattern Warlord Battle Titan (14)

Another quick update. While doing the armour panels of the torso i couldn't help but start on the head. It didn't take long.I have decided to paint the crew separately and then add them in later.

So this piece was best painted in pieces. There is quite a lot of detail on the inside of the head which definitely needed attention. That being said, i did keep the pallet quite simple.

The colour of the armour plates was the  hardest bit to decide! I originally wanted to paint it yellow like a typical Legio Astorum titan, but figured a Princeps Majoris would likely pilot a Warlord of bigger. So i decided on white to make the master of the Legio's machine stand out a bit more! 

Lastly it was the heraldry shields. These took no time at all, as the bulk of the detail will be Legio Astorum transfers:

Like so! I have to say, the FW Legio Astorum ransfers are just fantastic! Theres so much detail on them. The set came with 2 large transfers which i used on the shields. I trimmed the transfers a little once they were applied so they properly fitted into the space on the shields. 

Awesome! The end is sooooooo close now! More soon.

The GunGrave

Monday 11 January 2016

Mars Alpha Warlord Battle Titan (13)

Just a quick update today. The armour panels for the torso are complete affter getting a quiet afternoon to myself!!

With a few more quite afternoons i may be able to get this warlord finished before next Christmas!!

The GunGrave

Friday 8 January 2016

Mars Alpha Pattern Warlord Battle Titan (12)

Welcome back bloggers, i hope you all had a good Christmas! Now that the distraction of the festive season is over, its time to get back to business.

The bronze and gold trim has been added to the torso of the Warlord, and is now looking a bit tidier! I'm very glad this stage is complete, it was almost as bad as doing all that gold trim on the toes! 

The vents on the exhaust ridges came out quite nicely, with a decent gold contrast.

The joints and the gyro's were hit with some brass. I didn't highlight these areas, because they will largely be in shadow when the armour panels go on.

The rear of the torso is packed with detail, most of which was picked out in brass. The access door was base coated in grey before getting a thin layer of white sprayed over the top.

I've already started preping the armour panel, which will complete the torso. Just the weapons and the head to go after that....phew!

The GunGrave