Wednesday 16 July 2014

A Bit More Heresy Death Guard...

Just a quick post today. Another 5 man squad is painted up which will quickly become another 10 man squad when my Forgeworld order arrives.

The Volkite Support Squad is well under way.

Now this Storm Eagle has been in pieces on my shelf for about 6 months! I bought this off a guy in my FLWG for £60 - it was in a hell of a state, being the victim of poor assembly. I pulled it a apart, tidied it up, and put the poor guy back together again.

I was just going to put it on eBay but after all the work it took to restore it, i decided to add it to the Death Guard! Why not.

So the final bits of the Death guard army are on their way from Forgeworld. This included's the last 5 man Tactical Squad, Calas Typhon, Moritarion, a Spartan, and some more Death Shroud and Grave Wardens for good measure!

After that, the blessed Omnissah gets some attention...

The GunGrave

1 comment:

  1. Awesome work, man! The Storm Eagle is a heinous kit - Great work on the rebuild. Looking forward to seeing it in DG colors!
